HomeWorth My WhilePIFexplosion Review


PIFexplosion Review — 7 Comments

  1. This is a very interesting concept! I think that the forced matrix structure is well suited for the opportunity and the price point looks great too. One question, if a Gold Membership is given away..does that lock the person in that position in the matrix or does that occur when they become a paid member?

    • Hi Sherman

      Thanks for the great question.  

      The gold membership is a trial membership that lasts for 3 months after which you would need to upgrade to Diamond for a one time lifetime payment of $4.90 this is when you are put in the matrix. With this upgrade you get two Solo ads a month plus 20,000 credits for banners. I promote this site mainly because I get good results with my advertisements So I can honestly recommend it as a site worth my while.

      $4.90 for a lifetime advertisement that works and delivers results is a pretty good deal I think

      Hope this answers your question


      Tom R

    • Thanks Jerry.
      I have come to enjoy this Site because even if I never get a sign up for them (I have Gotten A few)
      the Ads that I place bring me signups to other offers.
      All for one lifetime price

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